Admission Open for Session 2020

Lawrence Homan Public Inter-College is different to other schools in the Bakshi Ka Talab area. As a school, we have an opportunity to guide your children through their emotional as well as academic development. Choosing the right school for your children is a great responsibility.

We feel that the school’s ethos makes us a very good choice. In this modern, competitive environment, Lawrence Homan Public Inter-College is a school that will help your child to get a good education and, in turn, a strong start in life.

Lawrence Homan Public Inter-College is a recognised CBSE school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Admission to the School is open to all children from class pre-primary to 12th starting in the month of February every year.

Important documents to bring at the time of admission

  • Birth certificate/ Adhaar Card only for pre- primary to class1st once you have submit the proof of DOB (it will not change).
  • Last Class Marksheet, Transfer Certificate (T.C), Attested Copy of student Adhar Card. (Class 2nd onwards)
  • If the student out of the district, he/her must bring Counter Singed Transfer Certificate (T.C).
  • Cast Certificate if the student is from reserved quota.
  • 4 recent photo of the student.

Rules of Fee Submission

  • Please deposit school fee in time (Before 15th of every month) to avoid fine.
  • If you are deposit school fee through bank cheque please submit it before 10th of every month.
  • Make sure your all dues must be clear before one week of every Half Yearly and Annual Examinations.
  • Examination will be paid in  2 parts (August Installment 3 &December installment 7)
  • In Class 9th and 10th if student will opt computer as a subject they have to pay extra rupees 200.00/month
  • Two siblings then there is 10% discount in total fee of the youngest child.
  • Three or Four siblings then there is 100% discount in tuition fee of the youngest child.
  • Five siblings then there is 100% discount in tuition fee of the 2 youngest children
  • Guardian is submitting full year fee in one time then guardian will get 10% discount in youngest child total fee before 30th of April.
  • Guardian is submitting half year fee in one time then guardian will get 5% discount in youngest child total fee  before 30th of April

Fee Structure

PG 900 1500 1263 1263 1613 1263 1263 1263 1613 1263 10800
NUR 1010 1500 1428 1428 1778 1428 1428 1428 1778 1428 12120
KG 1050 1500 1488 1488 1838 1488 1488 1488 1838 1488 12600
1 1130 1800 1608 1608 1958 1608 1608 1608 1958 1608 13560
2 1150 1800 1638 1638 1988 1638 1638 1638 1988 1638 13800
3 1170 1800 1668 1668 2018 1668 1668 1668 2018 1668 14040
4 1190 1800 1698 1698 2048 1698 1698 1698 2048 1698 14280
5 1210 1800 1728 1728 2078 1728 1728 1728 2078 1728 14520
6A 1330 2000 1908 1908 2258 1908 1908 1908 2258 1908 15960
6B 1450 2000 2088 2088 2438 2088 2088 2088 2438 2088 17400
7A 1350 2000 1938 1938 2288 1938 1938 1938 2288 1938 16200
7B 1475 2000 2125 2125 2475 2125 2125 2125 2475 2125 17700
8A 1370 2000 1968 1968 2318 1968 1968 1968 2318 1968 16440
8B 1500 2000 2163 2163 2513 2163 2163 2163 2513 2163 18000
9 1600 2200 2313 2313 2663 2313 2313 2313 2663 2313 19200
10 1690 5000 2423 2423 2873 2423 2423 2423 2873 2423 20280
11ART 1470 2500 2118 2118 2468 2118 2118 2118 2468 2118 17640
12 ART 1560 5000 2228 2228 2678 2228 2228 2228 2678 2228 18720
11 COMP 1620 2500 2343 2343 2693 2343 2343 2343 2693 2343 19440
12 COM 1720 5000 2468 2468 2918 2468 2468 2468 2918 2468 20640
11 SCI 1950 2500 2838 2838 3188 2838 2838 2838 3188 2838 23400
12 SCI 2100 2500 3038 3038 3488 3038 3038 3038 3488 3038 25200